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Sunday Morning Inspiration - THE ALABASTER BOX

Verily verily I say unto you wheresoever this gospel shall be preached the whole world, this that also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her. - MARK 14.9 KJV

Story line

Jesus went in the house of a leper


He sat down to eat with them


A woman came with an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard, very precious, broke it and poured it on the head of Jesus


People commentedwhy such waste? The oil could have been sold and given to the poor, they murmured against her


Jesus told them that they always have the poor with them and so have the opportunity to show them some kindness but He is not always present with them


Finally, Jesus explained that the woman came before hand to anoint His body and that this singular act would make her to be remembered.


Sunday morning inspiration –AS A MAN THINKETH


Jesus was not discriminative, he interacted with all kinds of people. He ate with them without complaining and never refused what was being served notwithstanding his position. Everyone is

created by God and Jesus left this example worthy of emulation.


It is very important to note that it was a common woman that was the protagonist. In most societies women are being disregarded and disrespected. This shows that God can use anyone at any point in time. This particular woman offered a costly sacrifice; she was determined to show this act of love, little wonder she broke the box. Next, we noticed that the oil was poured on the head. She understood the head to be the vital part of the body, where the brain is located, the embodiment off the human brain.


In life we should be prepared to receive both good and bad; be open to criticisms. In this case people murmured against the woman and condemned her actions. Human beings are hard to  please. However, this woman was convinced of her actions and could not entertain obstacles. Whoever is afraid of challenges is not ready for success.

When the woman did what she did she never imagined how far it would go. Her singular action located her and placed her higher among her equals. In addition to that she left a long-lasting legacy.


When you are convinced about something try and hold on to it, you never can know how the end would be. Don’t be dissuaded by the discouragements and negative comments of people.


Giving is a wonderful virtue with positive outcomes. Give without grudges but with a cheerful heart. When you give, the recipient is happy but in real fact you give happiness, peace and joy to yourself. This implies that when you give you are also a receiver.

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In the life I am living, what legacy am I leaving, planning to leave or have left?


THE ALABASTER BOX was written by Udoamaka Elenwoke. A professional Italian nurse and you can follow her on Social media



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