As we should already know by now, our health is paramount when it comes to our life. Our health determines what is of us, and also what is to be of us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise. The importance and relevance of our health brings us to the issue of whether or not we should invest in our health, and if we are to do; how can we go about, and what are the best possible ways to invest in our health. As to whether we are to invest in our health or not, I'm sure you already know the answer by now. It’s definitely a yes. Which sane man or woman wouldn’t want to invest in his/her health? Mind you; investing in your health is not just monetary thing. There are other ways in which you can invest in your health that would be very beneficial as well. Investing in your health doesn’t just save your life; it’s also a plus to the general economic development. Ill health doesn’t just hamper human capital development; it also affects general productivity, and impairs job prospects. The importance of health can also be seen through the strong historical and political commitment towards taking health as a social goal either through mandating and prioritization of expenditure on health or legislation. It is a universal norm that health is a worthwhile and noble investment. So, if you haven’t been investing in your health lately, it isn’t too late to start.
Ill health doesn’t just hamper human capital development; it also affects general productivity, and impairs job prospects.
Why are people scared of Doctors and Health Checkups?
It’s a bit likе a job interview оr a driving test. No-one саn ѕау thаt thеу hаvе nоt hаd a case оf nerves in thоѕе situations. If thеrе wаѕ a wау оf avoiding thе middle bit аnd уеt gеtting thе result wе wоuld аll tаkе thаt path. There’s аlwауѕ ѕоmе anxiety аѕѕосiаtеd with confronting health issues. It is, in fact, confronting оur оwn mortality. Evеn whеn symptoms аrе mild аnd likеlу tо bе due tо ѕоmе easily curable illness, it ѕtill reminds uѕ аt a deeper level thаt оur timе оn earth iѕ limited, аnd wе rеаllу hаvе vеrу littlе control оf hоw lоng wе will live. Eѕресiаllу if wе hаvе bееn engaging in “risk taking” behavior - smoking, over-eating, unprotected sex, еtс - in thе back оf оur mind iѕ thе possibility thаt аn undiscovered malady mау bе lurking juѕt beneath thе surface. Aѕ we gеt older, we find thаt we fear оnе оf thе fоllоwing will hарреn еvеrу timе we gо tо thе doctor: Hе will tеll mе thеrе iѕ ѕоmеthing wrong with mе thаt саnnоt bе fixed, or Hе will tеll mе thеrе iѕ ѕоmеthing wrong with mе thаt саn bе fixed, but thе fix involves eating healthier, gеtting mоrе exercise and/or оthеr deeply unpleasant behavior modifications. Most times these visits will always result in the second reason, but if we don’t act quickly it will result in the first reason. This is one of the reason why we run away from doctors and health checkups.
There’s аlwауѕ ѕоmе anxiety аѕѕосiаtеd with confronting health issues.
Why Should I invest in my Health?
I don’t think anyone should be asking this question in this dispensation, but if you're still part of those still asking this question, I would like you to know that there are a million and one reasons you should be investing in your health. Mind you, health investment comes in two ways; financial investment, and non-financial investments. Investing in your health means you're investing in yourself and your future, health investment can also be seen as delayed gratification- where the work comes first, and then the reward comes much later in the future. Health investment is a long term investment. How can you live with yourself when you're not investing in your health? You're putting yourself at the risk of reducing you're lifespan. The most important asset to man is time, and this time is very limited. Investing in your health means; buying you more time. There's a quote from Jim Stovall’s book titled; Ultimate Productivity. I want us to relate this quote to our health and you would see the need to invest tremendously in your health. He wrote, and I quote “Only by accepting full responsibility for your past, which has resulted in your present, can you then take control of your actions today, and create a successful tomorrow.” The reason why your health is the way it is now, is because of your past. Invest in your health before it’s too late.
Investing in your health means you're investing in yourself and your future.
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How Can I Invest in my Health?
Investing in your health is easier said than done, most times we even procrastinate. I can’t just imagine how people can sit and play with their lives. Like I said earlier on; there are two ways which you can invest in your health. One requires more of money, while the other requires your time, dedication and little money. Let’s start with the latter. There are ways you can invest in your health spending little or nothing; I will highlight a few of these things;
- Don’t joke with your sleep
- Master your body hydration process vs water consumption
- Know your vitamins
- Maintain proper body posture at all times
- Make use of a standing desk and sit with an exercise ball
- Limit your drinking and quit smoking cigarette
- Eat well, and at the right time
- Quit fast food and stop sugary food and beverages
- Carry out proper exercise daily
- Focus on aerobics and proper posture when exercising
- Eat more of vegetables and fiber, not minding your diet
- Use all-natural skincare and household cleaning products
Moving onto ways in which you can invest in your health financially, there are a couple of ways in which you can invest in your health financially, they include;
- Apply for a Health Savings Account (HSA)
- Startup a Medical Emergency Fund
- Make for yourself a High-deductible plan
- Apply, Plan, and understand your health insurance scheme
- Apply for a patient-assistance program
- Signup for a mail-order pharmacy
CALL TO ACTION A word they say; is enough for the wise. Take this bold step today and invest in your health.
HEALTHCARE AND INVESTMENTS was written by Dr. Nnamdi Elenwoke
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