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Showing posts from December, 2017

Heart attack: Men vs Women vs Children

What is Heart Attack? A heart attack is a swift action that takes place when there is a total blockage of a particular artery which supplies oxygen-rich blood to a particular area of your heart. This results in loss of oxygenated blood to the heart, and if not immediately attended to, that part of the heart muscle begins to die. The heart being a muscle needs adequate supply of blood to keep it in perfect condition. A heart attack iѕ ѕоmеtimеѕ called a myocardial infarction (MI), acute myocardial infarction, coronary occlusion, оr coronary thrombosis. What Causes Heart Attack? The major cause of heart attack is what is called; Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). This disease can stay hidden for a while, and most people don’t even know that they have this disease until they’ve had an Heart Attack. CHD iѕ a condition in whiсh a waxy substance called plaque builds uр inside оf thе coronary arteries. Thеѕе arteries supply oxygen-rich blood tо уоur heart. Whеn plaque builds uр in thе arteries, ...

Is Health Privacy A Human Right?

Understanding Privacy Privacy is about who gets access to personal information and under what circumstances. Privacy is recognized as a human right under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights , and several other regional and international treaties. Privacy is a fundamental aspect of human dignity and goes hand in hand with such basic values as freedom of speech and freedom of association. Humans have understood the value of privacy for thousands of years. People built homes as a way of marking out their private spaces. However, the coming of the Information Age has created a new and more complex context than in years past. Today, nearly every country recognizes the right to privacy in their constitution. At their bare minimum, such provisions include the secrecy of communication and the inviolability of the home. Importance of Health Privacy [caption id="attachment_13816" align="alignright" wi...

A Genius Pregnancy FAQ Every Parent-to-Be Needs to Know

When you’re expecting a baby, especially your first, you always have lots of questions. Such as “When is the best time to get an epidural?“ or ”When will my wife act normally again?" Bright Side found some answers for these questions on Reddit , where a lady shared this [...] Click here to view original web page More articles across the web Microsoft adds AI features, Reddit partnership to Bing search engine Browser Tools Announces Share Counters Chrome Extension Community Of Terry Crews Superfans Has Their Wildest Wishes Come True A guy's witty use of poetry helps him score a date on Tinder (5 Photos) Facebook is asking users to upload a selfie to prove who they are 3 Important Web Pages Every Website Needs


Introduction As we should already know by now, our health is paramount when it comes to our life. Our health determines what is of us, and also what is to be of us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and otherwise. The importance and relevance of our health brings us to the issue of whether or not we should invest in our health, and if we are to do; how can we go about, and what are the best possible ways to invest in our health. As to whether we are to invest in our health or not, I'm sure you already know the answer by now. It’s definitely a yes. Which sane man or woman wouldn’t want to invest in his/her health? Mind you; investing in your health is not just monetary thing. There are other ways in which you can invest in your health that would be very beneficial as well. Investing in your health doesn’t just save your life; it’s also a plus to the general economic development. Ill health doesn’t just hamper human capital development; it also affects general productiv...


To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha What is Health? Don’t be surprised if someone asked you what health is. The question you should ask yourself is; why should someone be interested in defining health; seeing that good health is the goal of research and healthcare, then it’s important to know what is it, how to maintain it, and how to measure it. The definition of health goes a long way in telling its importance in the life of every human; this is why the WHO proposed a new definition in 2009 as against the initial definition proposed in 1948 . It is said that this initial definition is no longer of value as it depicts health as only the complete physical, mental and social wellbeing of a person and ignores the fact that health is also the absence of disease. It also limits the ability of the human body to cope with the unstable nature of our emotional, social and physical challenges. You see why it is i...

Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?

Apparently the left hand of this government doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or more likely doesn’t want to know. With the easy prey of grabbing marijuana users in most states and locking them up in prisons for cheap labor while destroying families, there’s little motivation to [...] Click here to view original web page Related articles across the web 3 Important Web Pages Every Website Needs Four short links: 27 October 2017 The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Gifts $50-$100 6 Tips for Buying a Laptop No Disbarment For Misappropriation iNACOL Symposium: 10/24 Networking Event


INTRODUCTION Health is a common theme in most cultures. In fact, all communities have their concepts of health , as part of their culture. Among definitions still used, probably the oldest is that health is the " absence of disease ". In this article more pain would be taken to discuss the challenges posed in delivering health care services, hence the topic “Health care delivery challenges syndrome” . DEFINITION The widely accepted definition of health is that given by the World Health Organization (WHO - 1948) in the preamble to its constitution is as follows: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity”. This WHO definition has been criticized as being too broad. Some argue that health cannot be defined as a “state” at all, but must be seen as a process of continuous adjustment to the changing demands of living and of the changing meanings we give to life. It is a dynamic concept. It helps people li...