17.5 million people die each year from CVDs, an estimated 31% of all deaths worldwide - World Health Organisation.
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More than three quarters of these deaths occur in middle and low income countries. Early detection and management is very important to avoid these deaths.
Most heart related diseases are preventable if you follow these tips:
Quit smoking now! Many chemicals in cigarette are poisonous to your body. Even those that constantlyinhale smoke in a bar are not saved from heart disease. If you stop smoking today, the risk reduces significantly after one year and equals a non-smoker in 15 years. It is very difficult to stop smoking but it is not impossible because it requires adequate psychology.
>75%of CVD deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries. - World Health Organisation.
This needs no introduction. Moderate exercise even if it is walking for 30 minutes more than 3 times a week is very good for the heart. Too much exercise induces stress and is not warranted. Apart from preventing Heart Attack, benefits of physical activity also include: reduction of Diabetes type II risk and weight control, mental health improvement, strengthens your body, increases your chances of living longer. Click here to get free apps that will help you to get a good habit of exercise.
Health diet
The habit of eating must be emphasised. Health is very important and you will not want to spend money treating a disease that can be prevented like heart attack. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish are very good. Avoid fat, too much salt and sugars in your food. Two recommended foods are Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan and the Mediterranean diet. Apps like Calorie counter & Diet Tracker should be your companion if you want to eat healthier.
80%of all CVD deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes. - World Health Organisation
Blood pressure (BP) should be checked at least once in a year if you are above 18 years. Optimal BP is >120/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
Cholesterol levels: this should be done at least every five years as from 18 years. If you have a family history of high blood cholesterol you should see you doctor.
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Others include: sleeping at least six hours a day uninterruptedly, stress management and reducing alcohol intake have been demostrated to reduce heart attacks.
The most effective ways of avoiding Heart Attack was written by Dr. Nnamdi Elenwoke
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