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Showing posts from September, 2017

Understanding how Doctors think

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm. Hippocrates Do you remember those Doctor's queries the last time you went to the hospital? Yes you do. It can be very unpleasant. Many people tell me: " you doctors ask a lot of questions ". Well those questions are very necessary for doctors to solve your problem. But they don't ask any kind of questions and the later follow rhythms or pathways. Their secret lies in what they call ALGORITHMS . [caption id="attachment_13536" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Example of Headache Algorithm [/caption] It involves the use of directed questions that will guide them to take the best decision. The most difficult part of Medicine is Diagnosis which comes from two Greek words: dia ‘apart’ and gignoskein ‘to learn or recognise’. Doctors don't diagnose what they don't think of. Hint: Doctors are mostly incapable of knowing what is happening inside your body if they don...

Dr. Austin Tino: The Nigerian Doctor saving Boko Haram refugees

[su_youtube url=""] He has always wanted to become a doctor to save lives and this is exactly with he is doing with few resources. Dr. Austin Tino is a charismatic Cuban trained Nigerian doctor that has been working in with  The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Since October 2015 his mission is to save millions of people in Boko Haram infested region of Nigeria. His humanitarian work provides free healthcare, education and financial asistance to children and has helped a lot of families. Dr. Tino said: "We have recorded success and then all of a sudden you hear there are attacks..." The Boko Haram insurgency has triggered the displacement of 2.3 million people since May 2013. This is one of the fastest growing displacement crises in Africa. - UNICEF Recently the Nigerian Army said it had reclaimed all territories earlier ransacked by Boko Haram insurgents in th...

Mycoplasma Genitalium: The New Sexually Transmitted Disease

With 15-24 year olds accounting for half of all new Sexually transmitted Diseases it has become imperative to provide information about the newly discovered sexually transmitted diseases and its implications for the sexually active Nigerian. The new sexually transmitted diseases Mycoplasma Genitalium was a little known until recently when [...] Click here to view original web page More articles across the web Court tosses suit alleging sexual aggression at West Point Peter Thiel is sidestepping American safety regulations by funding experimental herpes vaccines out of the country Jim Carrey fighting back Usher Slams $20 Million Herpes Lawsuit, Claims the Woman Has 'No Proof' How the Handmaid's Tale became the haunting TV hit that drove us to breaking point Let's talk about sex: Ilya is the adult sex store you never knew you needed

Prostate cancer - summarised

DEFINITION Prostate Cancer is a cancer that occurs in a man’s prostate –a small walnut shaped gland that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. It is one of the most common types of cancer in men as such much preventive measure should be put in place to avert the growth of prostate cancer. RISK FACTORS Increasing age, Family history, African origin, Dietary factors. PROTECTIVE FACTORS Nutritional factors have protective effect against prostate cancer, reduced fat intake, Soy protein, Lycopene, Vitamin E, Selenium, Race-Incidence doubled in African Americans compared to white Americans. PROSTATE ANATOMY Prostate lies below the bladder and encompasses the prostatic urethra, surrounded by a capsule and separated from the rectum by layer of fascia termed the Denonvilliers aponeurosis. Blood supply-Inferior vesical artery ad Nervous supply is derived from the pelvic plexus Important for erectile function. [su_youtube url="

The most effective ways of avoiding Heart Attack

17.5 million  people die each year from CVDs, an estimated 31% of all deaths worldwide - World Health Organisation. Do you know that Heart Attack including Cardiovascular (heart related) diseases are number one causes of death globally? [caption id="attachment_13501" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Source: WHO [/caption] More than three quarters of these deaths occur in middle and low income countries. Early detection and management is very important to avoid these deaths. Most heart related diseases are preventable if you follow these tips: Tobacco             Quit smoking now! Many chemicals in cigarette are poisonous to your body. Even those that constantlyinhale smoke in a bar are not saved from heart disease. If you stop smoking today, the risk reduces significantly after one year and equals a non-smoker in 15 years. It is very difficult to stop smoking but it is not impossible because it requires adequate psychology. >75% of CVD deaths occur i...

9 Important Lifestyle Changes for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Prevention

“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.”  ― Lao Tzu Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. It actually kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Instead of putting the focus on preventing Alzheimer’s, the medical community puts emphasis on slowing the progression of the disease after onset [...] Click here to continue reading More articles across the web PSA Screening May Reduce Prostate Cancer Deaths After All Universal prostate cancer screening could save a 'significant' number of lives, major US study finds Prostate cancer screenings significantly reduce deaths, a new study finds - but some experts disagree Donations vs. Deaths: Giving to "Celebrity" Causes What Is the No. 1 Killer of Women? Top 5 Supplements Every Senior Should Take

Obsession with Widal test as a diagnostic tool

INTRODUCTION It is quiet alarming and shocking the extent at which patients are demanding for Widal test to be carried out for them. And the obsession of not being relieved of their predicaments and anxieties until the said laboratory test is done. This is becoming a pattern in our society. Of course, attention must be drawn to it, so as to quickly address the possibility of over abuse of laboratory investigations which might undermine the medical standard operating procedures. And also, to reduce the rate at which unnecessary prescribed antibiotics against enteric fever are consumed. CONCEPT Defining the word Obsession will give an opportunity to a comprehensive understanding of the topic under discussion. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-IV ) defined Obsession as a persistent and recurrent thought or idea with which the mind is continually and involuntarily preoccupied and that cannot be expunged by logic or reasoning. Obsessions are Recurrent & per...