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Patients' relatives have voices too


These people spend most of their waking or even sleeping hours thinking about the patients. They sleep at corridor or staircase, pay at cashier and go another mile to queue for drug (The queue at pharmacy is unspeakable). They run here and there to make things available for patients treatment. Buy spirit, buy cotton wool, latex gloves, this and that.

Take insults from some harsh nurses, doctors and other health personnel. That is why some are irritable and aggressive. They are weighed down with fear of the uncertain, and depression. They may even need to take patients to town for various investigations and may even forget about themselves when engrossed in the patient's care.

At the end many go home without their loved ones who end up in the morgue 😢. This is just little of what patients' relatives go through. My heart goes out to them today as they scatter all over the places A & E, EPU e.t.c under the trees, sleeping on the hard floors near gutters, in extreme of weather, many of them sick yet remain strong for their loved ones, they are called "the hidden patients", they suffer even more than the "the real patients".

They are the "real" caregivers not the doctors and the nurses they are called the "hidden caregivers".

They are the real heroes. They are called FAMILY! They stay with their loved ones till the very END.

They are the "real owners of the patients" not the consultants. FAMILY is said to give 80% of patient care while healthcare personnel give 20%.

They are the real PATIENT LIFESAVERS! Next time before you treat them like trash or nonentity, please remember their pains physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially.

See them as PARTNERS not NUISANCE.




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