Amazing Effects of Pepper by Dr. N. Elenwoke
Peppers come in all sizes and colours. Some of them are packed with heat, while the others are sweet. You can get fresh pepper, frozen, dried, or canned. Peppers can be added raw to salads, baked or added to stir fries.
Peppers are special as they have a lot going for them. They're low in calories and are loaded with good nutrients. Regardless of their color and hotness, all varieties of pepper are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber.
You might have seen bell peppers in different colors such as green, orange, yellow, and red - in the grocery store. But, do you know that the red peppers pack the most nutrition? Yes, they do, because they've been on the vine longest.
A substance named Capsaicin is found in peppers (including chilis and cayenne powder) and is shown to boost metabolism as well as reduce the appetite. Over time, when you eat peppers often, this effect might give you an extra edge when it comes to weight loss. Research shows that Capsaicin seems to increase the metabolism of the body by raising the body temperature, which will use up more energy.
The less you cook the peppers, the more the nutritional value will be retained. It is definitely healthy to eat peppers, but, as we all know too hot peppers should be consumed with caution to prevent stomach irritations and discomfort.
Peppers contain a lot of antioxidants and these substances are responsible for fighting again toxic free radicals produced during metabolic reactions inside the cells. It is believed that these radicals are the main culprits of aging. Therefore, the health specialists, dieticians, and scientists encourage the consumption of peppers as a method of fighting against aging and to reassure the longevity.
Fibres of Pepper help to maintain a good gut health. It adds bulk to your stools and helps in stool formation. Thereby, peppers can be a food to be added to anti-constipation diets.
Organic peppers clear out congestion of the mucus membranes in the nose and lungs and through sweating it eliminates toxins from the human body. Hot peppers such as cayenne have the ability to stimulate blood flow naturally.
Pepper can reduce redness and swelling of sore muscles and bones with its natural properties. That is why some people use sprays with peppers to treat muscle strains and swelling.
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