Getting rid of your belly fat or bulge is important for more than just vanity’s sake. Excess abdominal fat-particularly visceral fat, the kind that surrounds your organs and puffs your stomach into a “beer gut”-is a predictor of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and some cancers.
Read on for 8 sure ways you can loose your belly fat.
Limit alcohol intake
Booze has more calories than you might expect: 153 for a 12-ounce regular beer and 125 for a 5-ounce pour of red wine.
The calories in alcohol can’t be stored for later, so the body’s metabolism has to focus on alcohol first when it’s in the body. This diverts it from its task of burning fat, and fat burn especially drops in the belly. But there is such a thing as drinking responsibly for weight loss.
Older women who drink about one alcoholic beverage per day seem to gain less weight over time than women who don’t drink, probably because they keep other healthy behaviors and are more physically active.
Focus on the right workout
A daily run or spin class is great for your heart, but cardio workouts alone won’t do much for your waist. You need to do a combination of weights and cardiovascular training.
Strength training increases muscle mass,
which sets your body up to burn more fat. “Muscle burns more calories than fat, and therefore you naturally burn more calories throughout the day by having more muscle,” says Kate Patton, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic. Patton recommends 250 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 125 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week. If you are not sure if you are doing the right exercise see examples of fat burning exercise.
Avoid eating too many processed foods
“Refined grains like white bread, crackers and chips, as well as refined sugars in sweetened drinks and desserts increase inflammation in our bodies” says Patton. “Belly fat is associated with inflammation, so eating too many processed foods will hinder your ability to lose belly fat.” Natural foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains are full of antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may therefore actually prevent belly fat.
Eat the right fats
The body doesn’t react to all fats in the same way. Research correlates high intake of saturated fat (the kind in meat and dairy) to increased visceral fat, says Patton.
On the other hand, monounsaturated fats (the kind in olive oil and avocados) and specific types of polyunsaturated fats (mainly omega-3s, found in walnuts, sunflower seeds, and fatty fish like salmon) have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, and if eaten in proper portions may do your body good.Healthy fats should be eaten in moderation.
Try a more challenging workout
To banish stubborn belly fat, you have to ramp up your workouts. In a study published in the journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, people who completed a high-intensity workout regimen lost more belly fat than those who followed a low-intensity plan. You need to exercise at full intensity because the end goal is to burn more calories, and high intensity exercise achieves that purpose. If you do high intensity workouts, you’ll burn more calories in less time.
Reduce stress
Tight deadlines, bills, your kids,job— whatever your source of stress, having too much of it may make it harder for you to drop unwanted pounds, especially from your belly.
And it’s not just because you tend to reach for high-fat, high-calorie fare when you’re stressed, though that’s part of it. It’s also due to the stress hormone cortisol, which may increase the amount of fat your body clings to and enlarge your fat cells. Higher levels of cortisol have been linked to more visceral fat.
Get enough sleep
The National Institutes for Health recommends seven to eight hours of sleep in a night for adult,anything short of that might result in sleep deprivation.
A 16-year study of almost 70,000 women found that those who slept five hours or less a night were 30% more likely to gain 30 or more pounds than those who slept seven hours.
Stay motivated
Are you committed to the work needed to lose belly fat? “Reducing belly fat takes a combination approach of a low-calorie diet that is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates and sugar along with cardiovascular and weight training,” Dr. Kashyap says. “If you are willing to do the work, you can move past genetics and lose it.”
If you follow these natural steps, you will loose that belly fast quicker than you thought. If you are unsure of which exercise to reduce belly fat. Just check the examples of exact exercise 27 Fat-Burning Ab Exercise.
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Source: Preciousspring
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