When Mrs. Abc (name withheld) went to see Dr. Odey, a gynaecologist with experience in Infertility, she said to herself: “let me try my luck once again”. For seven years she has been tagged barren by her community and had seen various doctors. “You have to trust me and be patient” were the some of the first words this gynecologist told her before he developed a specific program for the downcast woman. He would later start with physical examination then necessary complementary tests including inviting the husband to partake in the program. After some months of intensive study, she became pregnant.
“This is not rocket science’’… Dr Odey explained to me… “We do this frequently. You have to understand that people perish because of lack of knowledge and asking wrongfully to God”.
According to the World Health Organization, Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Demographically, reproductive age of women is defined as 15 – 49 years while male fertility starts to decrease after the age of 40 when sperm quality declines. Among populations below 60years, Infertility in women was ranked 5th highest serious global disability.
25% of infertile couples have more than one factor that contributes to their infertility. In approximately 40% of infertile couples, the male partner is either the sole cause or a contributing cause of infertility.
- Tubal factor ― 35% includes pelvic infection by chlamydia, gonorrhoea, etc
- Ovulatory dysfunction ― 35% especially Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Endometriosis ― 20%
- Unexplained ― 10%
- Cervical factor ― 3%
- Uterine factor ― Rare
It has been demonstrated that Infertility has identifiable risk factors , most of them are modifiable factors. They include:
- Age: one third of women above 35 years have fertility problems
- Tobacco: Infertility rates in female (and male) smokers are about two times that of nonsmokers
- Excessive alcohol use: drinking alcohol around ovulation period decreases the chance of getting pregnant
- Obesity: defined as Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Check you BMI here.
- Physical or emotional stress
Some experts advice that women below 35 years should visit a doctor after one year (six months if >35years) of failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy.
Doctor's office
They will go to one of their biggest secrets ALGORYTHM. See below of an example of Algorithm for Infertility in women.
Source:National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
The good news is that most causes of Infertility can be avoided or treated and with advance of medicine most woman can have a child. Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery and artificial insemination or assisted reproductive technology or a combination of both.
Assisted Reproductive Technology algorythm Source:National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
You can read PART II here.
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