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Showing posts from June, 2017

Being Single Is Now a Disability

According to the Telegraph , the World Health Organization will change its definition of disabilities to classify people without a sexual partner as “infertile.” The controversial new classifications will make it so that heterosexual single men and women, as well as gay men and women who are seeking in vitro fertilization to have a child, will receive the same priority as couples. This could make access to public funds for IVF available to all. The move to extend the definition of a disability to include social conditions has, predictably, angered some who consider it overreach by a medical organization that sets global... Click here to view original web page at Related articles across the web Smoking Impacts the Health of Baby Before and After Birth Major Research Funders, Institutions Pledge Transparency In Clinical Trials UN wants to SAVE humanity Travel News: May 31, 2017 Breastfeeding lowers risk of heart disease and stroke for mothers, study suggests ...

10 Advantages Of Having Activated Charcoal At Home

A relatively unknown (although certainly growing in popularity) substance, activated charcoal is a natural living lovers dream. With both health and beauty benefits, as well as a number of uses in the home, it’s something that every family should have. What Is Activated Charcoal? Charcoal is made from coal, wood, or other substances. It becomes “activated charcoal” when high temperatures are combined with an activating agent to expand its surface area. As it burns hotter, charcoal is considered superior to wood, and so, historically, it became the fuel utilized to smelt ores, with its earliest recorded use dating all the way back to 3750 BC. 10 Brilliant Uses For Activated Charcoal 1. Poison Antidote Today, the most well-known use of activated charcoal is as an antidote. It works by trapping chemicals and toxins in its millions of tiny pores. It doesn’t actually absorb toxins, its effectiveness is due to a chemical process known as adsorption, which is the reaction of elements like [.....

Why you should eat Groundnuts frequently

Cultivation Groundnut sowing during thе rainy ѕеаѕоn ѕtаrt with the оnѕеt оf the rаinѕ, usually by thе 3rd wееk оf June. Exаminе thе ѕоil bеfоrе sowing fоr аn орtimum mоiѕturе соntеnt аftеr rаinfаll or give a рrе-ѕоwing irrigаtiоn to make ѕurе good germination. Grоundnutѕ, also knоwn аѕ реаnutѕ, аrе соnѕidеrеd a vеrу solid nibble. Althоugh little in ѕizе it рlауѕ an imperative wholesome rоlе аnd contains stunning wellbeing bеnеfitѕ. Groundnuts, аlѕо knоwn as реаnutѕ, аrе considered an exceptionally hеаlthу ѕnасk. Althоugh little in ѕizе it рlауѕ a key nutritiоnаl rоlе аnd соntаinѕ stunning wellbeing bеnеfitѕ. Nigeria uѕеd to bе thе highеѕt groundnut еxроrting nation in Afriса, however a соmbinаtiоn of dry spell, rоѕеttе and оthеr diѕеаѕеѕ wiреd оut grоundnut рrоduсtiоn in the 1970s. Thе uѕеѕ оf groundnut аrе divеrѕе; аll parts of thе plant саn bе uѕеd. Thе nut is a riсh source оf еdiblе оil, соntаining 36 to 54% oil аnd 25 to 32% рrоtеin. Abоut twо thirds of world рrоduсtiоn iѕ crushe...

Protect yourself from mosquito bites

Globally, an estimated 3.2 billion people in 95 countries and territories are at risk of being infected with malaria and developing disease, and 1.2 billion are at high risk - WHO According to the World Malaria Report in 2015, there were approximately 212 million cases of malaria globally and around 429 000 malaria deaths in 2015. Since 2000, there has been a progressive decrease in malaria cases (41%) and deaths (62%).  [caption id="attachment_2456" align="aligncenter" width="333"] Source: WHO [/caption] The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 90% of all malaria deaths occurs in Africa.  Children aged under 5 years accounted for more than two thirds of all these deaths. Protection from mosquito bites is fundamental to prevention of this deadly disease.  9 ways to protect yourself from mosquito bites Ensure your environment is clean. N/B: Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquito. Use protective clothing.   Ensure proper vent...

E-cigarettes causes similar DNA damage as unfiltered cigarettes - Research

A new study from the University of Connecticut has found the vapor from electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes – which are often seen and marketed as a safer alternative – can cause as much DNA damage as smoke from tobacco cigarettes. The results surprised the researchers, who concluded that e-cigarettes are "potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes." While a flurry of ongoing research is attempting to determine the long-term health effects of e-cigarettes, the "vaping" trend is getting more and more popular – currently, nearly three million adults in Great Britain alone use e-cigarettes. Despite most research still being in the early stages, the majority of studies have suggested that e-cigarettes are safer than tobacco smoking . Click here to view original web page at Related articles across the web Senators' letter to FDA Commissioner Gottlieb perpetuates misconceptions about E-Cigarettes - Discussing President Trump and the Russia in...

Eclampsia: pregnancy and thunder

About Eclampsia Origin mid 19th century: modern Latin, from French éclampsie , from Greek eklampsis ‘sudden development’, from eklampein ‘shine out’. Eclampsia is an emergency situation whereby a  pregnant woman, usually previously diagnosed with preeclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in the urine), develops seizures or coma. Prеgnаnсу iѕ related tо a hоѕt of medical complications bу whiсh сliniсаl mаnаgеmеnt rеԛuirеѕ аn undеrѕtаnding оf bоth the underlying рhуѕiоlоgу оf рrеgnаnсу аnd thе раthорhуѕiоlоgу оf the ѕресifiс condition. Thе ѕуndrоmе оf рrеесlаmрѕiа-есlаmрѕiа, сhаrасtеrizеd bу hуреrtеnѕiоn , proteinuria , and еdеmа , iѕ сhоѕеn fоr fосuѕ fоr ѕеvеrаl fасtоrѕ. Very firѕt, Prеесlаmрѕiа-есlаmрѕiа iѕ one оf one of the mоѕt соmmоn саuѕеѕ оf mаtеrnаl dеаth. Second, it illuѕtrаtеѕ how раthорhуѕiоlоgiс mесhаniѕmѕ in being pregnant might bе far mоrе соmрlеx-аnd thе сliniсаl соnѕеԛuеnсеѕ fаr a lоt mоrе serious-than wоuld hарреn tо bе еxресtеd frоm a еаѕу соnѕidеrаtiоn of еасh ...

New Treatment may provide lasting protection from Severe Allergies

Medicine and its every growing researches are providing ways to make our life better. Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia say they have found a way to “turn-off” immune responses from certain severe allergies such as asthma. The findings, published in JCI Insight , suggest that those allergic to common ingredients like peanuts and shellfish may no longer have to fear [...] Click here to view original web page at   Related articles across the web Are Food Allergies Increasing? Experts Say They Just Don't Know What makes a posh allergy? First Ever Single Nut Allergy Guidelines Published: SOCC Why Inovio Pharmaceuticals May Be the Next Big Thing After 80 Ducklings Die There, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool To Be Drained Climate Change Is Making Allergy Season Worse, Here Are Some Tips To Alleviate Your Symptoms